A Sincere Apology

Guys — I admit it. I’m a horrible person. I’ve abandoned you for so long, and for that, I am truly sorry. But so many wonderful things have happened since I last posted that I don’t even know where to begin. I suppose I’ll just make a list. I’m really good at lists.

• I got to meet one of my online friends. Yup! You heard me — best day EVER!! We met at a Rick Riordan conference, which brings me to the next point.

• I got to see Rick Riordan in person. I also got a signed copy of The House of Hades, which I am not allowed to give spoilers on until November 1st. Sorry!

• I signed up for NaNoWriMo. Some of you may know what this is, but for those who don’t, don’t worry. I’ll make a full post on this topic next week.

• I started a group fanfiction. I’ll post it here, and on my other blogs chapter by chapter.

• I started a new blog. It’s a website with clean fanfics, for those of y’all who don’t approve of M ratings. (Like me.)

• I fell in love with Once Upon a Time — the TV show. If anyone wants to fangirl over Rumple, you know where to find me.

• I got a new computer. My old laptop finally croaked, so I got a new one. It’s that new Windows 8 operating system, so we have a love / hate relationship.

• I made a new Pinterest account. My old one just got too big, so I made a new one. I’m starting over, guys!

A lot of other stuff has happened, too, but that’s pretty much the highlights. So . . . expect more posts from now on. Love y’all!

— Ashli

NEW Official Trailer: Disney’s “Frozen”

Frozen trailer!

Fangirling Central

The official trailer for Frozen has arrived and it is EPIC-ally cute!

PHqOTCtUwml8ut_1_mFrozen is an animated comedy from Walt Disney Animation Studios, the makers of Tangled and so many more awesome films and is loosely based on the Hans Christian Anderson’s fairy tale The Snow Queen. The film stars the voices of Kristen Bell (Veronica Mars) as lead heroine Anna; Alan Tudyk (Suburgatory and the original British comedy Death at a Funeral) as the Duke of Weselton; Jonathan Groff (Glee) as mountain man Kristoff, Josh Gad (21 and Jobs) as Olaf the snowman and Idina Menzel (Enchanted and Glee) as Elsa, the Snow Queen and Anna’s elder sister.

The synopsis on IMDB reads as follows,

Fearless optimist Anna teams up with Kristoff in an epic journey, encountering Everest-like conditions, and a hilarious snowman named Olaf in a race…

View original post 303 more words

My Weirdness

Someone suggested that it would be a good idea to let you guys get to know me. I’d put a picture of myself on this post, but there’s just so many weirdos out there that I don’t really want to right now. (Not that I think y’all are creepers — you’re weird in a good way.) I hope you understand. I have decided though, to do a post that’s all about me, not Loki, for once.

Favorite songs — Eye of the Tiger by The Survivors, 500 Miles by the Proclaimers, My Immortal by Evanescence, and Vanilla Twilight by Adam Young.

Favorite (non-fandom) movies — The Princess Bride, The Phantom of the Opera, Tron Legacy, The Pirates of the Carribean, Epic, and Despicable Me.

Favorite Books — Divergent by Veronica Roth, Incarceron by Catherine Fisher, Cinder by Merissa Meyer, Eragon by Christopher Paolini, Legend by Marie Lu, and The Hobbit by J R R Tolkien.

Favorite colors — Army green, chocolate brown, and black.

Favorite types of clothes — Leather jackets (Thanks, Nine!), distressed jeans, combat boots, men’s button-up shirts, long necklaces, newsboy caps and fedoras, and scarves.

Hair color and cut — Cut short to my chin, dark brown with tints of red, really super curly.

Eye color — Green.

Favorite animals — Dolphins, snakes, and koi fish — and of course, my little poodle.

What your bedroom is like — Painted a pale orange, with two closets, a huge desk, an enormous window, a teeny-weeny bed, and lots of puppy toys all over the floor.

Favorite hobbies — Writing fanfiction, sketching, playing the piano, blogging (of course), photography, and reading.

Favorite foods — Mexican food, Nutella, and strawberries.

Weird facts — I’m a direct descendant of Frank and Jesse James, the most notorious Wild West outlaws. I have British, Scottish, and Cherokee ancestry. I’m a proud Christian. I’m homeschooled. And . . . I’m just weirdly me.

Love you guys! Each and every one of you. Without you, this blog wouldn’t be possible, so thank you.

Update on my life.

Found these amazing little action figures at the mall. Also, I updated to iOS 7 — I’ll write a full post on that later. And I found an amazing website where you can watch ALL the Doctor Who episodes for free. I’ll put that on here tomorrow. Oh yeah! I converted my BF to a Whovian, and my sister to a Loki fan. So . . . PARTY TIME!!




Star Trek : Into Darkness

So I went ahead and bought Star Trek : Into Darkness, and let me tell you, it was worth every single freakin’ penny. I thought Benedict Cumberbatch was cool before, but now he is . . . what’s the word . . . oh right! AWESOME. I’ve been a Trekkie for three years now, going on four, but this just made it like ten times better. Khan made me sob almost cry on several occasions — if you’ve seen the movie, you know which ones I’m talking about — if you haven’t, “Spoilers!”

Below is my take on the Star Trek insignia.


Best. Day. Ever!

Today started pretty good anyway, mainly because Piper let me sleep all the way through the night, even if she does get up at 6:00 on the dot every morning. She doesn’t quite get the concept of weekends yet. As an added benefit, though, she’s completely potty-pad trained now. We got her ten-week booster shots this afternoon too, and . . . right, back to the subject. (Remember, guys, they are called ramblings!)

So, anyway, Mum took me and my little sis to supper, then we had to go grocery shopping. So I called up my dad at Walmart, ’cause the Star Trek : Into Darkness DVD was sitting out on the shelf for only $19. He said yes, so I brought my new baby home. Can’t wait to see it!

The day couldn’t get any better, right? Guess again! I was going through the aisles, what suddenly I hear a familiar song. And whaddya know, my favorite song was on — 500 Miles. I listened a little closer, and DAVID TENNANT’S WONDERFUL SCOTTISH ACCENT!!! Needless to say, I fangirled a little bit LOT, and Mum started flipping out, ’cause I was singing it in the middle of the store. But oh well, it was so amazing! And I’m really sorry for the caps, but that’s how excited I was!

So . . . yeah. Great day.

Book Review : Incarceron

Sorry, I just had to post this one too. I give you — Inarceron!


Title : Incarceron

Series : The Incarceron Series #1

Author : Catherine Fisher

Pages : 458

Rating : ⭐⭐⭐⭐

About :

Incarceron — a futuristic prison, sealed from view, where the descendants of the original prisoners live in a dark world torn by rivalry and savagery. It is a terrifying mix of high technology — a living building which pervades the novel as an ever-watchful, ever-vengeful character, and a typical medieval torture chamber — chains, great halls, dungeons. A young prisoner, Finn, has haunting visions of an earlier life, and cannot believe he was born here and has always been here. In the outer world, Claudia, daughter of the Warden of Incarceron, is trapped in her own form of prison — a futuristic world constructed beautifully to look like a past era, an imminent marriage she dreads. She knows nothing of Incarceron, except that it exists. But there comes a moment when Finn, inside Incarceron, and Claudia, outside, simultaneously find a device — a crystal key, through which they can talk to each other. And so the plan for Finn’s escape is born.

Notes : This was an amazing book — it’ll definitely stay on my shelf. It has an interesting storyline, and engaging plot. Overall, a masterpiece!

Rating scale : 5 stars — Best book ever! It earns a place of honor on my shelf.
4 stars — Good, but it still had some issues.
3 stars — It was okay, definitely not my favorite
2 stars — I finished it, but I probably wouldn’t recommend it.
1 star — I didn’t even finish it. This book will collect dust under my bed.

Book Review : Divergent

Okay, I read to much to only do one book review a week. I’ll just post them as I read them. Today’s book is . . . Divergent! This is one of the most popular books of 2013 (mainly because they’re making a movie on it — more on that later) and I have to say, it was worth all the hype. This is an extraordinary book, and I am very glad I read it.


Title : Divergent

Series : The Divergent Series #1

Author : Veronica Roth

Pages : 487

Rating : ⭐⭐⭐⭐

About :

In Beatrice Prior’s dystopian Chicago world, society is divided into five factions, each dedicated to the cultivation of a particular virtue–Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), and Erudite (the intelligent). On an appointed day of every year, all sixteen-year-olds must select the faction to which they will devote the rest of their lives. For Beatrice, the decision is between staying with her family and being who she really is–she can’t have both. So she makes a choice that surprises everyone, including herself.

During the highly competitive initiation that follows, Beatrice renames herself Tris and struggles alongside her fellow initiates to live out the choice they have made. Together they must undergo extreme physical tests of endurance and intense psychological simulations, some with devastating consequences. As initiation transforms them all, Tris must determine who her friends really are–and where, exactly, a romance with a sometimes fascinating, sometimes exasperating boy fits into the life she’s chosen. But Tris also has a secret, one she’s kept hidden from everyone because she’s been warned it can mean death. And as she discovers unrest and growing conflict that threaten to unravel her seemingly perfect society, Tris also learns that her secret might help her save the ones she loves . . . or it might destroy her.

Notes :

This was one of those books that you can say that they’re almost perfect — it’s got a place of honor on my shelf. It has an engaging storyline, and interesting plot. A book that’ll be remembered for years to come!

Rating scale : 5 stars — Best book ever! It earns a place of honor on my shelf.
4 stars — Good, but it still had some issues.
3 stars — It was okay, definitely not my favorite
2 stars — I finished it, but I probably wouldn’t recommend it.
1 star — I didn’t even finish it. This book will collect dust under my bed.

Book Review : Cinder

Okay, so I’ve decided to write a book review every week — a horrible decision, really, considering everything else I have on my plate. Anyway, here goes *cue drumroll* CINDER!


Title : Cinder

Series : The Lunar Chronicles, # 1

Author : Merissa Meyer

Pages : 387

Rating : ⭐⭐⭐⭐

About :

Sixteen-year-old Cinder is considered a technological mistake by most of society, and a burden by stepmother, Adri. Being cyborg does have its benefits, though : Cinder’s brain interface has given her an uncanny ability to fix things (robots, hovers, her own malfunctioning parts), making her the best mechanic in New Beijing. This reputation brings Prince Kai himself to her weekly market booth, needing her to repair a broken android before the annual ball. He jokingly calls it “a matter of national security,” but Cinder suspects it’s more serious than he’s letting on.

Although eager to impress the young prince, Cinder’s intentions are derailed when her younger stepsister, and only human friend, Pearl, is infected with the fatal plague that’s been devastating Earth for a decade. Blaming Cinder for her daughter’s illness, Adri volunteers Cinder’s body for plague research, an “honor” that no-one has ever survived. But it doesn’t take long for the scientists to discover something unusual about their new guinea pig.

Something others would kill for.

Notes :

In a word, this book was refreshing. It’s got some of the same qualities as so many of the other YA books out there, but with a different take on the classic story of Cinderella. This is a book I would 100% recommend to just about anyone. I can’t wait for the next three in the series. Thumbs-up, Merissa!

Rating scale : 5 stars — Best book ever! It earns a place of honor on my shelf.
4 stars — Good, but it still had some issues.
3 stars — It was okay, definitely not my favorite
2 stars — I finished it, but I probably wouldn’t recommend it.
1 star — I didn’t even finish it. This book will collect dust under my bed.

Askdlkihfgsd! Or . . . my mum is a Whovian!

My mum hates sci-fi. Well, not so much hates it, as just doesn’t *get* the whole time travel thing. But she finally broke down, and decided to watch an episode of Doctor Who. She made it through Rose, and I walked into our living room tonight to find her watching The End of the World — all by herself. I didn’t even ask beg her to. So, anyway, we’re seeing definite improvements over last week when she asked if the Doctor had gills! (Really, mum?) Tonight’s episode was the third one she’d watched, (The other being The Girl in the Fireplace.) and of course, I plopped down on the sofa and watched it with her. (I miss me some Nine. Too bad he only had one season.) I know that since she made it through the first one, and watched the second without being asked — she’s hooked. My own mother, hooked on a time travel show — that’s weird. She won’t admit it yet, but she really does like the Doctor and his magic blue box. On another note, she has finally completed all six episodes of Sherlock. I’ve been highly instrumental in bringing that about, too. So, yeah. My mother (and my little sis) is a Whovian — and a Sherlockian. And a dear friend of mine, named Kelly. I got her Sherlocked, but I’m still working on converting her into a Whovian. In the words of Mr David Tennant, “It’s very hard to try to explain Doctor Who, and not sound like a lunatic.” Also, you guys should expect a few very long posts in the next few weeks, so hang in there, and know that I’m doing the best I can! I just wanted to announce to the blogosphere that MY MOM IS A WHOVIAN! Glad I got that out of my system.

New website?

Doctor Who is a very complicated show — everyone knows that. So I thought it might be cool to create a Doctor Who website. Somewhere along the lines of an encyclopedia for new fans, so they can get quick answers. I could take requests and write a article for each Doctor, companion, and alien. Im asking you so if I do decide to try this, I’ll know if anyone’s following or not. Comment below and tell me if you think I should. Thanks, cyberbuddies!

Monthly Interview

Hello, fangirls. A dear friend of mine suggested that I do a monthly interview. It can be anyone — my followers, people I follow, authors, other bloggers, my buddies way down south in Dixie. So if you see this and want to give it a try, or just want to chat, send me an email at randomramblingsofafangirl@gmail.com. Also, if any of you have ideas for weekly or monthly features, please tell me, because I eventually want to expand this into a dot com, and make it so much more than my random ramblings. Peace out, Cumbercookies!

New features?

I’m thinking of adding some new features to my blog. One is guest authors, where I get another obsessively nerdy fangirl to write a post. Another is book and movie reviews. I could put a list of recommended books and movies and do a review on each, because I’ll tell you up front, I read a LOT! Also, I could make a fanfic page, where I’ll accept fics written by my followers. Fanart too. Possibly an actor page, where I do a brief bio on them. What do you want? I’d be happy to hear from you. Tell me your thoughts and ideas at randomramblingsofafangirl@gmail.com.


Fandom Fridays — please reblog!

Because I’m a glutton for punishment, and because I really want to see y’all’s work, I’m issuing Fandom Fridays. Fandom Fridays are Fridays that I showcase either a fanfiction or a piece of fanart. If you would share this with your followers, I’d greatly appreciate it. I’ll put the guidelines below.

• Entries should be either Doctor Who or Sherlock, although the occasional Avengers or Lord of the Rings will be welcomed. If you have another fandom that I didn’t list here, just email me at my blog address below and I’ll see if it’s on the full list.

• Fanfiction MUST be completed. And PG — nothing over.

• I have the right to not publish an entry for any reason.

• Crossovers and ships are encouraged, especially WhoLock ones.

• To enter, you must put your name, blog (if you have one), and a brief description of both yourself and your entry. I will link back to your blog. Again, this is a great way to get more followers.

• If you’d like to do this, please email your entry and information to randomramblingsofafangirl@gmail.com. You can also contact me there with any questions.

• And most importantly, have fun.

Love you guys!


Just a bunch of random thoughts.

When people say “Ten is my Doctor!” or “Nine is boring.” or “Eleven is the hottest!” or “Twelve is too old.”, what it really means they’re not true fans of Doctor Who. Real fangirls who love the show for the show, and not just for the actors, will realize that it’s not a competition for who’s the best, but a relay race, to carry the show on into the hearts of future generations.

In The Snowmen (set in 1892), the Doctor meets Clara, who’s a governess to two children, the youngest of whom is named Digby. In The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe, the Doctor meets the Arwell family, when they spend Christmas at Uncle Digby’s house. Coincidence? I think not.

Sherlock needs to recite Shakespeare nest season.

In The Angels Take Manhattan, the Doctor was just over 1000; in A Nightmare in Silver, he claims to be 2000, which means he spent over 1000 years alone after we lost the Ponds. I really wish I didn’t know that.

You are now aware that Rory never got to hold his real baby daughter.

I just realized something. Amy is first introduced talking out a letter (Dear Santa) and her story ends in a letter (the afterword). It starts with “Dear” and ends with “ends”, as in “The End”. “We’re all just stories in the end.” “A name in a fairytale.” What if Amelia Pond was actually a fairytale. Literally a story. She was always talking about her imaginary friend — what if she was the Doctor’s?

The first time Rose ever spoke to the Doctor is the last time he ever spoke to her. Now we know why she looked so surprised when he first regenerated. She could have sworn she saw that face somewhere before.

What’s so important about a duck pond with no ducks?

Click this link.Seriously. Shimmy, Sherlock, shimmy!

Update #2 : Piper

So . . . I got my puppy today instead of Saturday. She’s here right now, licking my
keyboard — perhaps another little blogger in the making? Anyway, when I went to visit her at the kennels this morning, the breeder said she was ready to go, so I brought her home. Needless to say, my bedroom wasn’t puppy-proofed so I was in a rush to get it ready, only to turn around and see that she’d adopted the potty pad as her bed — and my floor as her toilet.

A huge thanks to all who helped me decide on her name. Piper.


Update : Puppy

Thanks to all who suggested names for my puppy. My two sisters and I have narrowed it down to the top three names now. They’re not fandom names, but they’re still cute, anyway. Piper, Charly and Bailey. I’d better hurry up and decide one since I’m getting her on Saturday.

Which one do you like best?

Aaaaaaaand here are some more pictures of my beautiful little girl.

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Random Thought of the Day

Here’s a little something I thought up.

The thing about flying the TARDIS is, that Nine acts like he’s playing a guitar, all putting his fingers in the right spots at the right times and hoping that the result is good. Ten, however, acts like he’s trying to keep his wife happy with him, all stroking and letting and praying she doesn’t get mad and land him on some terrible planet filled with bloodthirsty natives. Then there’s Eleven, and he’s just like “This is such a fun game! I’m best at this game, aren’t I? How many points do I get for this?” And then there’s River. That one kid at the arcade who knows the machine better than you and proves it every time she walks in the door. You can’t help but be envious, and you sneak peeks at how she does it while still pretending you’re better. Spoiler alert : you’re not.

Accurate post is incredibly accurate.

Daily Tidbit

Here’s a little something I found out — accidentally.

“Don’t make people into heroes, John. Heroes don’t exist, and if they did, I wouldn’t be one of them.”

Possibly one of the most heartbreaking lines on the show, upstaged only by “please don’t be dead”. But when you think about it . . .



Super Important Challenge-thingy!

Hello, Internet buddies! It’s a lovely day, huh? Well, I’ve got a challenge for you! Fanfiction!

Here’s the details.

• Its can be Doctor Who, Sherlock, Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit, or The Avengers. Crossovers are encouraged.
• It needs to be at least 500 words, but not over 5000.
• Keep it PG. Seriously.
• Anyone can enter. Reblog this and tell your followers. Spread the word! Just link back to my website. If I’m not following your blog, put a link to your fanfic in this post’s comment box.
• Every fanfic will get a review. At the end of the contest, I’ll post them all here with a link back to the author.
• Your fanfic needs to have a title, short description, and link to your blog or website.
• The challenge ends October 1.
• This is a great way to get new followers, so come on, show me what you’ve got!
• if you’ve got any questions, comment below.
• If you would like to do this, please tell me so I can get a feel for how many entries I’ll have.

Catch ya later!

Thor 2: The Dark World — Request by secondchanced

A dear follower of mine, secondchanced, asked if I could do a post completely on Thor 2: The Dark World. I’m happy to oblige, although it might have a bit more Loki than she intended.

So, I’ll put down what we know. (The facts I got from IMDb, and the italicized stuff is my thoughts.)

Josh Dallas was supposed to return as Fandral but commitment with his TV show Once Upon a Time prevented him from returning. He was replaced with Zachary Levi, who was the original choice for the role.

Nooooooooo! You’ve got to be kidding me! Flynn Rider can’t play Fandral! No one but Josh Dallas can do that! I ship Fancy (Fandral and Darcy), but not anymore, I guess. *sad sniff*

Mads Mikkelsen was considered for the role of Malekith, but he dropped out due to scheduling conflicts with Hannibal (a role handled by Anthony Hopkins, who plays Odin). Christopher Eccleston was cast instead.

So, in other words, the Doctor will be playing a dark elf. My brain is starting to hurt. I’ve seen the new photo of Maliketh, and let me tell you, it’s gonna be the shock of your life. The Doctor with long brown hair, a sword, and some kind of toga-thingy. See — instant headache.

Kat Dennings will reprise her role as Darcy Lewis. Deadline.com reported that Denning’s role was expanded from that of a comic relief sidekick.

Yay! Now I might possibly ship her and Loki together. Hmmmmmm . . .
Tom Hiddleston describes Loki as a “firework” in this film: “Well, where next? What’s he going to do? What level of remorse does he have? If he does have any remorse or regret, why? Who does he feel guilty in front of, and who does he laugh in the face of? What’s his motivation? If he stands to win, what does he stand to win? As a character you’ve got all these new motivations, but as an actor I am absolved from playing hero or villain – I’m just the live wire. And that was more fun than I can possibly tell you.”

Joss Whedon has hinted at possible redemption for Loki — and a possible death, but we are SO not going there tonight!

Filming at the famous Stonehenge historical site proved to be a challenge. After finally getting permission from English Heritage, the filmmakers found out that there were lots of rules and regulations associated with filming there. They could only be in amongst the stones outside of the normal visiting hours. So shooting had to take place early in the morning before opening, which only gave the film crew about three hours before they had to pull back for wider shots once the stones were opened to the public. Being a heritage site, no one was allowed to touch the stones or walk on any stones, so a lot of logistics had to be applied to the filming there.

Ok, so there’s obviously going to be a scene at Stonehenge. (Who else is thinking Pandorica?)

And that about sums up everything we know, which isn’t much. I’ll update as soon as I find anything new.

Anyone else got a request?

Mind. Blown.

Guys! I found a thing! You know the dead woman in ASiP? Jennifer Wilson was at the press conference with Lestrade in the beginning of the episode! In London for a day? Works in the media? How did she know to leave the trail, you ask? She knew about the case from Lestrade and was helping him. Now I’ve made you want to go watch the episode again, huh?

I snorted tea out my nose!

The Sherlock Theme gets yelled at you. Seriously just click here. My poor sister happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and I’m pretty sure she’s traumatized by the whole experience. This is our fandom. Yes, we are always like this.

(I’m pretty sure this is what I sound like when Sherlock comes on. I suddenly feel a little less confident about my musical abilities.)

A Fangirl’s Dream Come True!

I know, I know. I’ve already posted one of my ramblings this week, but what can I say? You guys are just special little snowflakes! Actually, the truth is, I’ve got some really amazing news to share with you. For all you poor dears who have to wait for Netflix to put Doctor Who Season 7 out . . . wait no longer! For I have found a miracle website that has changed my life forever.

*whispers* DailyMotion

The fangirl’s dream! All of Season 7 — plus the unaired pilot episode of Sherlock. Hallelujah!

You can thank me later, just go now. Live your dream!

WhoLock Crossovers

I’ll keep an ongoing list of possible WhoLock crossovers below. You guys are welcome to use them for fanfics, of you feel so inclined, just please send me the link so I can read it!

Sherlock isn’t actually a human. He’s a Timelord, and Molly is his companion. He stored his Timelord self inside his pocket watch, which Mycroft keeps safe for him. (See a Study In Pink.) only problem is, it didn’t quite work. His extraordinary intelligence leaks through. This theory would explain why Molly seems so devoted to him, and gets so emotional when he ignores her. It breaks her heart.

Moriarty is the Master. Think about it. He keeps coming back, what’s to prevent him from coming back one more time? They’re both crazy psychopaths, and knowing that he would regenerate is why Moriarty doesn’t mind shooting himself. What if he regenerates into Sebastian Moran? (S3 villain)

What if Sherlock is a future regeneration of the Doctor, but his TARDIS got sucked into the Crack, causing him to forget it, and everything that went along with it. His adventures. All those times Sherlock just sits there thinking, he’s actually trying to remember something he should never, ever have forgotten.

In the parallel universe where Rose and TenToo are trapped, the Arthur Conan Doyle stories don’t exist, but the real Shlock does.

Also in the parallel universe, Rose and TenToo have two babies. One they name Sherlock, and the other Clara.

The Weekly Rambling

You guys have been exposed to some real, true-to-goodness fangirling in this blog so far, but here comes the pinnacle of fan exitement. The Squeal. If you have sensitive hearing, please cover your ears now, because this baby’ll go right over the internet.


Okay. Now that I got that out of my system, I probably should tell you what I’m screaming about. Otherwise, you might just think I’m insane. Which might be true. So, here you have it. I can say it in one word, one very simple word.


I’ll write a complete review later, (Who knows? I might even make a page just for book reviews.) but anyway, I love it! I finished the entire 500 pages in three hours. No lie!

Also, Loki is returning in Thor 2! Yay! Also, Joss Whedon has hinted at possible redemption for him. That makes me feel better. In Tom Hiddleston’s own words, “He (Eccleston) is the bad guy, and Chris is the hero. I’m just the firework.”

So, on to the next point. The Ninth Doctor is in a Marvel movie! Talk about the ultimate crossover! It will be really interesting to see our beloved peacemaker with a sword . . . not to mention long hair and pointy ears. That’s right, you heard me. Christopher Eccleston will be playing an elf . . . thing.

Back to Divergent. I have mixed feelings about the new movie. I don’t like Theo James, and I think they could have chosen a much better Tris, but overall I’m very happy for the people who think they can go see it, and not have the book ruined forever for them. Like the Hunger Games. Don’t shoot me. I loved the books, but the movie fell short where it mattered most.

Now I’ll go on a little rant here. I literally cannot express how much Ben Affleck should not be Batman. For me, it’s Christian Bale or nothing. And why are they making another Spider-Man movie? Andrew Garfield is a good actor, but he’s just not Spider-Man.

Back to the Who-Vengers crossover. In 2014, we’re getting The Avengers 2: Age of Ultron. Tom Hiddleston has already confirmed that he won’t be in it, but guess who will! Karen Gillian. Yup, our little Amy Pond has shaved of her beautiful red hair to play an angel. As did Matt Smith. Bummer. He really had great hair – better than mine, actually.

Speaking of hair, who is pleased that Loki got his hair gel back? I certainly know I am, although I have to say I rather like Thor’s long flowing locks. (Again, better than mine!)

I would also like to announce that I converted my friend – into a Sherlockian, that is. It took her about two minutes, and you could just see RDJ moving into second place. *internet high-five*

So, now you see why they’re called ramblings, not just blogposts.

Riechenbach Theory #2

Q : Why does Sherlock act like he’s lost and hasn’t already figured out Jim’s whole plan on the roof of St Bart’s?

A : So he can record what Jim is saying on his phone which he has tucked inside his sleeve. After he has recorded the most important parts for evidence, he slips it into his coat pocket. Later, when he’s on the phone with John, he says “This is my note.” Before he jumps, he throws the phone away so John can find it.

Random Thought(s) of the Day

“Crimson, eleven, delight, and the smell of earth after rain.”

This quote from The Doctor’s Wife is one of the few things I haven’t over-analyzed on this show. But think about it. Eleven. Moffat is quoting the Doctor’s regeneration number, something he doesn’t usually do. Maybe he’s trying to tell us something?

Thought number two. I just figured out that Torchwood is an anagram for Doctor Who. Seriously — try it!

Black Widow and Hawkeye’s couple name is Black Eye.

Aaaaaaaaand here are some unnecessary feels.

The wonderful thing about Timelords,

Are Timelords are wonderful things!

Timelines are made of rubber,

And clocks are made of springs!

It’s wibblu wobbly, timey wimey, fun fun fun fun fun!

But the most terrible thing about Timelords is I’m . . . . . the only one.

New Puppy Names

Hi guys! Ashli here.

I’m getting a female Shih-Poo puppy in a couple of weeks, and was wondering if some of my lovely followers had any ideas about her name. I’d prefer it to be fandom-themed, but not ridiculous. (example – Cumberbatch the puppy)

Right now I’ve got:


Thanks a million!




Nomination for the Leibster Award

I want to start out by saying thank you so incredibly much to Miss Emory (from Freak of Fandom) for nominating me for the Leibster blogging award. Rules dictate that I answer her questions and create some of my own for my nominees. Now as far as I know, this award is meant to promote fandom blogs to other fangirls, to help them find someone who’s as crazy interesting as they are.

So here’s her questions.

State your name, rank, and intention.

Fangirl, fangirl, fun.

What is your favorite quotation?

“I will always be the optimist, the hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.”

If you could have any fictional character’s life for a day, who would you choose?

That’s a hard one. I’m definitely not going to say Katniss Everdeen. I’d say Oswin Oswald, but then I’d die. I’ll go with Molly Hooper.

How would you handle that life?

Terribly. I’m pretty sure I would wring Sherlock’s neck by the end of the day!

Do you have any fictional crushes? If so, who?

Gonna have to say nope on that one. I respect them, but again, I’m just not that kind of girl.

If you could make any canonical crossover happen between two fictional universes, which ones would you choose?

WhoLock all the way!

Who are three of your heroes? (These ones have to be real people)

Jesus first, definitely. Next would be a toss-up between Whedon, Gatiss, and Moffat. Third would probably have to be Lindsey Stirling, the most amazing dubstep violinist on the planet.

What period of history interests you the most?


If you could fill a swimming pool with any food or drink (other than water), what would you fill it with?

Chocolate milk!

Would you rather live in a library where you can have all the books and movies you want with no late fees, a zoo where all the animals know and love you, or a theater, where you get front-row seats and backstage passes to every play?

Totally the library!

Now for my questions!

If you could meet five fictional characters, who would you pick?

Who is your role model in life?

what fictional character are you most like?

Who are your favorite actors or actresses?

What is your favorite movie/TV show?

Favorite book?

give us a short profile of yourself.

What’s your favorite summer activity?

Tell is a little bit about your blog.

what is your dream job?

And my nominees.

Geek Girl Ramblings

Doctor Who

243 Types of Tobacco Ash

Have a blessed day, guys!

Cruelty at its finest.

Hi. I’m going to break your heart and crush your soul today. I’m in a very “Moffat” mood.

If you do not want to cry, don’t even think about reading what I’ve written below.

. . . You’re brave to come this far, but turn back while you still can!

While the Doctor was working in a toy shop during his eleventh regeneration, a pregnant redhead walked into the shop, followed by an elderly man. The Doctor, seeing them, quickly pulled off his name tag and dropped it on the floor. The redhead introduced herself as Donna, and asked if she could see the collection of baby toys, because her daughter, named Rose at her grandad’s request, was due in a month. The doctor turned before Donna saw the look on his face, and didn’t notice the elderly man stoop and pick up the name tag. There were tears in the eyes of both men.

Have a nice day.

Tili or Kauriel?

Ok. I’m still in shock, but I’m still able to form a few semi-coherent words.

Kili. Has. A. Love. Interest.

I don’t even know for sure who she is yet, but I ship it!


Check it out . . .


Tauriel, played by Evangeline Lilly, is a Silvan Elf of Mirkwood, is a character created for the upcoming films of The Hobbit. She is a warrior and the head of the Elven guard of Mirkwood. She knows how to wield any weapon, but the primary weapons that she uses are a bow and arrow and two daggers. She is described as lethal and deadly and able to kill. Tauriel has been confirmed to be a high ranking and combat-ready member of Mirkwood’s army of Elves.

Evangeline Lilly will play Tauriel, in the upcoming The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug film adaptations by Peter Jackson.
Peter Jackson has confirmed that she will have no romantic connection to Legolas. However, it is hinted that there will be romance between Tauriel and Kili the dwarf.

Now isn’t that interesting!

Easter Eggs and Elephants

So, Easter Eggs. A rather insane tradition, I think. Don’t get me wrong. As a little girl, I enjoyed the thrill of hunting down painted plastic eggs as much as the next kid, but when you think about it, it’s really weird. I mean, look at it this way. You take a piece of food, one that you would normally eat for breakfast, and dunk it in food coloring. You let your mom hide it either in the house or the yard. Then off you go, running as fast as your stubby little legs can carry you, to find the eggs and bring them back to mummy. Then you get chocolate. The best part. But the Easter Eggs I’m talking about are little tidbits hidden in DVDs. I posted a link to Google Maps yesterday where you could see the TARDIS. Wanna see? Click https://praise4hisglory99.wordpress.com/2013/08/13/google-maps-awesomeness/.  Since then, I’ve had three people ask me what a Easter Egg was, so I figured I’d better explain. (Still don’t understand what I’m talking about? Try watching the DW episode,  Blink.) There’s lots of cool stuff out there, if you have the patience to look for it. Unfortunately, I don’t, even though I’d like to find all the Easter Eggs on my DVD collection. Speaking of patience, remember the metaphor about how to eat an elephant? You know, one bite at a time. What people are trying to say is that no matter how huge the task is, you can always finish it, even though it might take you a while. A long while. A really, really, really long while. That’s how looking through my entire DVD collection seems. So anyway, I know, bad metaphor. But here’s a link to a great website where it lists movie Easter Eggs, so you don’t have to find them yourself. Click http://www.eeggs.com/tree/1361.html to see it.

The Name of the Doctor, and other Whovian stuff

In A Good Man Goes To War, we only get to see a blurry version of the Doctor’s name in High Gallifreyan on the side of his cot for a few seconds. So Sculcuvant (DeviantArt) recreated it in easy-to-read black and white. See below.


Also, I promise, you will never be able to un-see this.


A Study in Pink Theory

Okay, so I’m going to dismiss the idea that there are two bad pills. We know that the cabbie always took the other pill with his past victims. It’s not in the nature of a serial killer to change his methods. He’s also motivated to stay alive and kill more. For every person he kills, money goes to his children. He’s not about to give up and commit a definite suicide just because Sherlock Holmes comes around. Love is a much more vicious motivator.

The cabbie also knows which pill is good, and which pill is bad. It’s chess. Otherwise he would be on a very lucky run of Russian Roulette.

“I know how people think. I know how people think I think.”

So initially he gives you a bottle. Your first instinct would probably tell you that he’s a threat, so he gave you the bad bottle, right? But what if it’s actually a bluff and he gave you the good one? What if he anticipated that too, and it’s a double bluff? Or a triple?

People would drive themselves mad trying to figure out what he’s thinking. They’re so eager to win, that they don’t make the game clever, they overcomplicate it.

“That’s your weakness. You always want everything to be clever.”

Sherlock took the bottle that wasn’t handed to him. He trusted his first logical instinct. The cabbie obviously knows how to bluff. But when Sherlock chooses his bottle, the cabbie takes the other pill out and stares at it. Why would he stare at it so intently if he’d done it four times before? Because this is something new? His right hand also remained steady throughout the entire game, but when he holds the pill up, it’s shaking. He’s under stress.

His demeanor changes slightly too. His attitude and tone towards Sherlock becomes more condescending. “A man like you so clever.” He gets sarcastic. His eyes are narrowed and his teeth are bared. Classic signs of aggression. He wouldn’t be angry if he weren’t beaten. He prides himself on being a proper genius. It’s a massive blow to his ego to be wrong.

He also knows Sherlock prides himself on being right. After being shot, he refuses to tell Sherlock if he was right or wrong. Wouldn’t he want to tell Sherlock if he was wrong? Prove to him who was more clever?

So in my opinion, Sherlock was right.

Twelfth Doctor Audition Script

This is the audition script for the Twelfth Doctor. I just can’t imagine anyone but Matt saying this!

Inside the TARDIS. The Doctor checks out the new body while Clara watches. It’s only been a few minutes, so they’re both still adjusting.


Doctor: Right then, eyesight. Not bad, bit blue. Ears – not pointy, right way up, more or less level. Face – well, I’ve got one. Oh no! French!

Clara: French?

Doctor: I’ve deleted French! Plus all cookery skills, and the breast stroke. And hopping. Never mind hopping, who needs to hop. Ohhh, the kidneys are interesting. Never had that before – interesting kidneys.

Clara: Are you all right?

Doctor: I don’t know, do I look all right?

Clara: I don’t know.

Doctor: How’s the face? Seems all right from the inside. Nice action, responsive. Bit less heft on the chin. How is it?

Clara: It’s . . . okay.

Doctor: Okay?

Clara: It’s a bit . . . you know.

Doctor: No I don’t, I haven’t seen it yet.

Clara: Maybe it’s just new.

Doctor: Have you changed height?

Clara: No.

Doctor: You sure?

Clara: It’s you, your height, you’re the one that’s changed.

Doctor: And look at your nose.

Clara: What about my nose?

Doctor: It was really cute, I loved your nose, you should have kept it.

Clara: I did, it’s the same nose, it’s the same all of me. You’re the one who’s . . . regenerated, whatever you call it.

Doctor: Are you wearing a smell?

Clara: Do you mean perfume?

Doctor: Yeas, I suppose it could be perfume.

Clara: You’ve always liked that perfume, you said so.

Doctor: No I didn’t. That was the Doctor.

Clara: You’re the Doctor.

Doctor: Yeah, I suppose I am. That’s going to take a bit of getting used to.

Clara: Yeah, it really is.